More Energy, More Joy, More Calm


Four week online journey to reinvigorate your life with more energy, more joy, and more calm.

Each week, you’ll receive a new module with videos, worksheets, and tools so you can dive deep into one of the 4 VIBE focus elements (Vision, Intentions, Boundaries, and Empowerment).

Additionally, each week, we’ll come together for a virtual live coaching session to help you integrate the concepts and explore the material from that week.

The course is designed to give you a rich supply of the knowledge, tools, practices, techniques and immediate action steps you can take to start living the life you’ve been craving without it feeling overwhelming.

30 + go-at-your-own pace lessons! ($977 value)

76 Page Workbook with hands on tools, activities, exercises and personalized action steps ($85 value)

4 ninety minute live coaching sessions ($300 value) with expert behavior change and transformation coach, Eva Cassel, NBC-HWC

+ Opportunity to get 3 free bonus gifts ($68 value)

Course Outline

  • Establishing a vision for the journey – where do you want to be going? What do you want more of in your life?
  • Connecting to Heart Wisdom- guided practice to help you connect with your heart wisdom and begin listening to the whispers of your soul. Using your deep inner wisdom to help inform your vision work and gather insight into what will lead you toward expanded joy and a balanced state of calm
  • Values- exercises to help you gain clarity about your most deeply held and most important values, and why this is important
  • Values and the nervous system – how our values impact our nervous system (and energy levels).
  • Vision – guided 3 part exercise to create a life vision that encompasses your most meaningful and important aspirations and desires
  • Defining “Intentions”
  • The science behind why intentions matter
  • Using the gems you gained from week 1, we’ll call forward the heart-centered, meaningful intentions that that feed your joy and deep energy and use them help guide your choices and actions in ways that honor your most important values
  • Guided practices for connecting to your most purposeful intentions and how to recognize the ones that will fuel your energy and joy the most
  • Strategies for putting meaningful intentions in into practice in ways that help you achieve greater alignment.
  • Giving your intentions the grit and sticking power that you need for them to be able to serve you in the ways that help you make the shifts you are trying to achieve in your life
  • Guided meditation, visualizations, and exercises to help you create a personalized plan that keeps your intentions in focus and working for long-term
  • Week 3 is all about “resource management” – making sure you have enough of most precious and valuable resources (time, energy, attention, capacity, money, etc.) to be able to honor the intentions that give you purpose and meaning in your life (also energy and joy…)
  • Boundaries- what they are, why we need them, and what to do about it when they feel HARD to do well
  • Guided questionnaires and exercises to help you recognize areas where your boundaries might need some attention
  • Learning how to recognize what it feels like when you’re operating from a place of healthy boundaries, and how to recognize what boundary violations feel like in your body
  • Worksheets and exercises to identify areas in your life where your boundaries are healthy and on point, and where your boundaries might need some attention
  • Tools to help you build your own communication style for expressing your needs and boundaries in healthy and effective ways

Everyone who attends our live coaching session this week will receive my Healthy Communication Guide.

With more than 50 example statements, sentence starters, fill in the blank phrases, and build-your-own formulas for expressing your needs and boundaries, this printable guide is a gold mine for helping you improve how you communicate and express your needs in any situation.

  • Putting it all together – step by step strategies for how to “operationalize” all of your VIBE insights and gems
  • Keeping it in focus – how to maintain focus on your meaningful intentions amidst life’s whorl of competing demands for your attention
  • Aligning your habits- step by step strategies for turning your aligned choices into life-giving habits to ensure you’re using your most precious resources in ways that honor what fuels your vitality
  • Making it stick -practical tools and tips for taking action today and planning for tomorrow, next week, next month, and beyond in ways that fit for you and your life so you’re able to stay in awareness and be intentional about your choices and actions.
  • Continuing the journey- ways to expand your exploration and continue to work with this material.